
Showing posts from 2009

MiniDV Stabilizer Maximum Weight Range

It has been brought to our attention that several of our customers have had problems getting cameras around the 2 pound range to balance on the MiniDV Stabilizer. Upon testing one of the units, we found one of the parts to be lighter than when the unit was originally designed. This change reduced the maximum weight of cameras used with our product to 1 pound 14.5 oz. To counter-act this issue, we will be including 4 additional large counter weights, and longer mounting screws to bring the maximum rating back up to 2.25 pounds. If you received a unit in the past several months, and have had problems balancing a camera in the 2 pound range, please contact us at the e-mail address listed below, and we would be happy to send you the additional weights, or compensate you for the weights we did not include. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Website problems

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have been experiencing some website problems lately. We have contacted our web host and they have yet to resolve the issue for us. Please bear with us, we hope to be back up and running 100% soon.

New Environmentally Friendly Paint

That's right folks, we're going green . We are officially switching to an environmentally friendly Rust-Oleum Semi-Gloss Black paint that contains zero VOC/HAP chemicals. It is also more durable and scratch resistant then the previous paint. So unless specifically noted, all MiniDV Stabilizers sold after the 23rd of Nov 2009 will include this paint. Check out the new look here .

Send Us Your Pictures and Video!

We want to show off your work! Send us pictures of your setup, and videos of your work. We'll post them on our site with credits and links! Send pictures and video links to:

New Reduced Price!

As you may know, over three years ago, we proudly introduced the MiniDV Stabilizer on eBay under our user name PJBalvanz. We have found eBay to be a great place to do business and still do so today. However, eBay left us feeling like we needed a place to call our own, which is why in June 2009 we launched our website, . Since then, we've had may loyal customers visit our site. This has given us enough information to analyze just how much we save by selling on our website. It turns out the fees alone on eBay account for over 5% of the price of the MiniDV Stabilizer , which helped us determine our pricing. Since there are no extra fees when we sell on our website, we decided who better to benefit from this savings difference then our own loyal customers? We are proud to announce the new reduced price of $94.95 for the MiniDV Stabilizer on .

New Shipping Rates

We are always looking to improve our products and our service. This time, we are focusing in on the US shipping rates. Our old system was based on a flat rate for shipping across the entire US. This meant that we picked the highest shipping rate, which didn't always reflect the actual shipping costs. The new system we are introducing will be more exact to the shipping rates to your location, which means lower prices for those closer to us, while still offering you the same great service!

MiniDV Stabilizer - New Bearing Spacer

We're always looking for ways to make our products better. This time we're addressing the main bearing issues. Several of you have commented that the main bearing tends to drag a bit, with a sweet spot it likes to turn to. We tore one apart to see what was going on. What we found to be the main issue was the spacer that was placed between the two bearings. The original spacer was made of aluminum. It was bigger then needed, and wasn't always perfectly straight. After a long search, we found a fix. Replacing the aluminum spacer with a new nylon one improves rotation time by up to 4x, eliminating any unwanted rotation to the "Sweet Spot". We're adding this new spacer to all of the new MiniDV Stabilizers we sell. If you already have the MiniDV Stabilizer , and are interested in replacing the spacer, you can find them at most local hardware stores for around $1. A link to the spacer on the Lowe's website can be found at the bottom of this post. The Hillma...

Sneak Preview - Quick Release Mount

Here at Balvanz Enterprises , we always appreciate customer feedback. Over the past several weeks, a few of our customers have been nice enough to comment on how a quick release system for the MiniDV Stabilizer would make initial setup before shooting a breeze. We tend to agree, which is why a quick release system is in the works. As an added bonus, we're looking at including an easy side-to-side thumb screw camera adjustment. Just another way your feedback makes a difference. Philip Balvanz Got an idea? Send it to: