As you may know, over three years ago, we proudly introduced the
MiniDV Stabilizer on eBay under our user name PJBalvanz. We have found eBay to be a great place to do business and still do so today. However, eBay left us feeling like we needed a place to call our own, which is why in June 2009 we launched our website,
www.BalvanzEnterprises.com. Since then, we've had may loyal customers visit our site. This has given us enough information to analyze just how much we save by selling on our website. It turns out the fees alone on eBay account for over 5% of the price of the
MiniDV Stabilizer, which helped us determine our pricing. Since there are no extra fees when we sell on our website, we decided who better to benefit from this savings difference then our own loyal customers? We are proud to announce the new reduced price of
$94.95 for the
MiniDV Stabilizer on
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